The Name says it all
Get Your Free Blog! Next Year!
Published on June 30, 2006 By TheGuyPC In Virtual Communities
Everyone at Joe User is just so happy and fun! You have to have a sense of humor with a name like Joe User!

I was considering starting a blogsite dedicated to the discussion of marriage. I was going to call it Harry Crabs. My wife balked, so I digress.

There is really no virtual community to compare to the honest, open perspective that Joe User has. There should be more like it. This world would be a much richer, more diverse place.

I, as soooooooo many others are just grateful to be blessed by the absolute intelligence that this community offers.

Thank you so much. And to do it all for free?! Wow!

Comments (Page 59)
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on Jan 11, 2007
Aye. Captn. I bring bad news. Mistress Jenny be quarantined. Been a mess o bad weather her way, and the scaliwags done grabbed her. She not be back for sum time.

Guess you be crackin that whip now.

Tis a pity.

That thar be the wurse news a crew cold be gettin' about a fightin' mate such as Mistress Jenny....HERE HERE fer Mistress Jenny HERE HERE!!!!!
on Jan 11, 2007
Aye. Captn. I bring bad news. Mistress Jenny be quarantined. Been a mess o bad weather her way, and the scaliwags done grabbed her. She not be back for sum time.

Aye, that be orful news indeed....I sure 'opes 'er gits bett'r real soon like, cos tha ship'll not be tha same while her's out o' action.

Guess you be crackin that whip now.

I'll give it a try, but it'd not be wiv tha same finesse n' expertise as our Mistress Jennifer, so let's 'ope fer a speedy recovery so's 'er can keep tha more unruly o' this 'ere scurvy lot under control. Wivout 'er firm 'and ta keep some semblance of order, I fears thar'll be anarchy in tha queue fer tha rum rations.
on Jan 12, 2007
Oi, whar be 'e all gone ta? It juss not be right that tha cap'n 'as ta 'oist tha sails 'eself, ye' wiv my bad back n' all, it makes fer a very grumpy cap'n.

If ye thinks ye can take liberties juss coss Mistress Jennifer baint be 'ere ta 'and out some disciplinary lashes, ye'd bett'r think agin.....she 'ave left I wiv her cat o' eleven ta git in a few practice lashes while 'er be in sick bay, so I suggests ye all git back ta wurk cos I got an itchy whippin' finger.
on Jan 12, 2007
Aye, sorry Capt'n. me other Captn be cracking the whip and makin me undecorate the old homsestead. I ope to be back soon, but there be a lot of undecoratin ta do!
on Jan 12, 2007
Capt'n, pardon me absence but thar was a sound comin' from below decks and I went to search it out and got me self waylaid by someun' and I nary a clue as to who it was. Thar be mischief aboard tha Twisted Sister an tha communal wine has been absconded with ta boot
on Jan 12, 2007


we now return to our regular programming..
on Jan 12, 2007
Arrrggg! mistress Jenny be whippin me good! And I da na like it! So to get o'ta whip, I be sendin this message from her.

This is Mistress Jennifer - I be managin ta get a message outta da prison to ye all - - I be languishin in ta prison fer a period o time as tay see fit ta release me - i bein shootin me mouth orf an all an insultin every toms dicks and bleedin cows aroun an all! aye tis a big foot in ta mouth an we be tryin ta take ta foot out ta mouth an all aaaargghhh! 'es beleivin a bit o quiet time will be sortin ta mustard in me mouth out!

Now jus cos I be not on ta ship fer a wee while ye crew ad better not be slippin up! Ta capt'n e be keepin tabs on each o ye an runni up ta bill like - so when I 's be comin back ye be gettin all ta back whippins yue scurvy dogs be needin ta sort ye out an all! In ta mean time Pecky ta parrot e be peckin and chewin on any jelly beans as gettin outtas line!

Ne ye scoundrels bes be behavin fer ta capt'n ye ear? An capt ye be excusin me please fer a period o time from me I be tryin erry now an again ta get one o ta guards ta get a message ta ye all by pigeon carrier!!

Ye all be takin care now an all!
eres ta gorg doin ta jail break an all! aaaarrgghh aaarrgghh!

Na, any of ye be doutin it? I will be sure te taste the lash! Rum be damned! Time to listen to the mistress o' ta whip!

on Jan 12, 2007
Good on ya Mistress Jenny...we be keepin' tha ship in good health til ye returns from that thar incarceration...ta Governa sher to pardon ye forthwith
on Jan 13, 2007
ta Governa sher to pardon ye forthwith

If'n 'e don't, us'll bring the Twisted Sister 'longside e's manshun n' start a blastin' away wiv our cannons 'til tha blaggard sees sense.
on Jan 13, 2007

locked in chains in't darkest dungeon be the best place for 'er an' 'er wikid ways

There be a hangin' by the morn methinks... (or maybe a spankin' arrr)

on Jan 13, 2007
locked in chains in't darkest dungeon be the best place for 'er an' 'er wikid ways

last one ta tried that is singin wit Davey Jones!
on Jan 13, 2007
If'n 'e don't, us'll bring the Twisted Sister 'longside e's manshun n' start a blastin' away wiv our cannons 'til tha blaggard sees sense.

spare no quarter an take none neither
on Jan 14, 2007

spare no quarter an take none neither

Us've ne'er give a quarter, so's thar be no reasun ta start now....start firing afore that thar guv'ner do's summat 'orrible ta our Mistress Jennifer. I 'ears thar be talk of an 'angin or 'praps even a spankin', mebbe even us'd bett'r git ta rescuin' 'er real quick like.
on Jan 14, 2007
start firing

AYE AYE Capt'n!!!!
on Jan 14, 2007
CAPT'N!!!!! be lookin' like it be workin'...Mistress Jenny bin spotted 'eres 'bout
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