The Name says it all
Get Your Free Blog! Next Year!
Published on June 30, 2006 By TheGuyPC In Virtual Communities
Everyone at Joe User is just so happy and fun! You have to have a sense of humor with a name like Joe User!

I was considering starting a blogsite dedicated to the discussion of marriage. I was going to call it Harry Crabs. My wife balked, so I digress.

There is really no virtual community to compare to the honest, open perspective that Joe User has. There should be more like it. This world would be a much richer, more diverse place.

I, as soooooooo many others are just grateful to be blessed by the absolute intelligence that this community offers.

Thank you so much. And to do it all for free?! Wow!

Comments (Page 86)
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on Jul 29, 2008
Breadcrumb? Ere now! he shud had left the entrails of a frog to the door!

Or t'least a trail o'barnacles.
on Jul 29, 2008
Breadcrumb? Ere now! he shud had left the entrails of a frog to the door!

Dunno 'bout that.... I 'ears thar be an old witch aboard wot likes ter cast spells, n' I'd be wurried them 'd end up in summat comin' out o' tha galley...

An' I bain't be too shure 'bout them barnacles, neither... 'as ye e'er stood on tha buggers in yer stockinged feet???

Aye, an' it be good ter see 'e, Doc... bin too darned quiet 'round 'ere wivout yer.
on Jul 29, 2008
Aye Cap'n. Good to see the missus allows you out again. How be she? And how be that new cabin o'yours?
on Jul 30, 2008
Aye Cap'n. Good to see the missus allows you out again.

What d'yer mean... she allows I out again??? Ever since a 'curried cabbage' incident at our local supermarket last week, I bin confined t' me quarters 'til I promises 'er faithfully not t' be embarrassin' 'er in public like that agin (who, me??)...

I mean, 'ow be I g'wen t' promise 'er that??? 'Tis natural, after all... an' it wouldn' be right fer I t' go aginst wot muvver nature intended fer I t' do, now would it!

How be she?

Yeah, on a more serious note, mrs starkers hasn't been her usual chirpy self of late: what with a couple of bothersome health issues and suffering with depression over her daughter (my step-daughter) doing all the wrong things again. Still! It's a case of telling us what she thinks we want to hear... promising us faithfully to do the right thing, but then she turns around and does the exact opposite, again and again.

It has been a huge strain on both of us, not knowing what will ever become of her, and I've been feeling the effects of depression as well, but I keep fighting to keep my head above water so that I can be supportive and helpful, etc.

Oh well, can't help those who won't help themselves, so we're trying not to worry too much and get on with things as best we can... which is probably why I joke around and act the fool a lot. Life seems that much easier with a smile on your face... when you can see a funny side to things and are still able to laugh.

Anyway, enuff of that!! Yeah, the new cabin is great and we're happy with it... it's comfortable and convenient to everything we need. However, I should extract my digit and clean the joint up some so I can take some more pics to post. Yeah, I've been a bit slack lately, though I'm sticking to the excuse that I've had a good excuse... for not being my usual 'too sanitary' self when it comes to the housework just lately.
on Jul 30, 2008
clean the joint up some so I can take some more pics to post.

Clean it up? That be wot you got ship mates for! be they scarce, shanghai a mate or 2 and put them to the mop and bucket!

It aint natural for a geek to be so tidy!
on Jul 30, 2008
Clean it up? That be wot you got ship mates for! be they scarce,

Wot shipmates??? Aye, they be scarce orright... and tha last scurvy swab I showed a mop n' bucket to jumped overboard, so afeared of a bit o' work wos 'e. Us needs a better class o' pirate, us do. Pirates like us... wots in it fer tha long voyage n' willin' t' take on Stardock when us gits there.

Oh, n' Doc, ye 'aves first dibs on Brad's liquor cabinet. I 'ears 'e haves a speshul rum or two in thar that'd tickle yer tonsils a real treat.

It aint natural for a geek to be so tidy!

Geek??? I bain't be no geek! A creak be more like it... wot wiv me poor old bones creakin' n' groanin' like tha Sister's timbers in a cyclone.
on Jul 30, 2008
Oh, n' Doc, ye 'aves first dibs on Brad's liquor cabinet. I 'ears 'e haves a speshul rum or two in thar that'd tickle yer tonsils a real treat.

Aye, that be gud! Me mate has put me on da wagin, and I be a might dirsty!
on Jul 31, 2008
Aye, that be gud! Me mate has put me on da wagin, and I be a might dirsty!

Yer mate 'ave put ye on tha wagon??? And ye 'aves a thirst so powerful ye'd suck a bottle o rum thru the cork???? Gawd, man, if'n it's that bad, ye had best git t' yer nearest tavern n' indulge afore ye dehydrates.

An' I'll tell 'e wot, Doc, if'n us don' press-gang a few landlubbers n' git 'en talking pirate real soon like, us'll ne'er git t' Stardock t' raid Cap'n Brad's licker cabinet.

A few curried cabbage munchers 'd be good t' 'elp fill tha sails... imagine that, us 'avin' tha first gas powered pirate ship.
on Aug 01, 2008
An' I'll tell 'e wot, Doc, if'n us don' press-gang a few landlubbers n' git 'en talking pirate real soon like, us'll ne'er git t' Stardock t' raid Cap'n Brad's licker cabinet.

Aye, ya cant find good pirates these days.
on Aug 01, 2008
Aye, ya cant find good pirates these days.

Well there's us... an I shure misses tha likes o' Mate Gid, Chaplain Woods n' Mistress Jennifer... not ter menshun ThaGuyPC. Now thar wos a funny bloke... finkin' Stardock wos preventin' 'im from gittin' a blog cos 'e were from tha wrong side o' tha political fence.

Now us all knows that just ain't true!! Stardock don't go discriminatin' 'ginst folks fer votin' tha wrong way, now do 'em! 'Owever, I did 'ear of a bloke wot's complainin' that he got refused a blog cos it says 'father unknown' on 'e's birth certificate. Just goes t' show, don't it... it juss don't pay t' be'ave like a proper bastard 'round 'ere.
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