The Name says it all
Get Your Free Blog! Next Year!
Published on June 30, 2006 By TheGuyPC In Virtual Communities
Everyone at Joe User is just so happy and fun! You have to have a sense of humor with a name like Joe User!

I was considering starting a blogsite dedicated to the discussion of marriage. I was going to call it Harry Crabs. My wife balked, so I digress.

There is really no virtual community to compare to the honest, open perspective that Joe User has. There should be more like it. This world would be a much richer, more diverse place.

I, as soooooooo many others are just grateful to be blessed by the absolute intelligence that this community offers.

Thank you so much. And to do it all for free?! Wow!

Comments (Page 61)
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on Jan 15, 2007
Yeppir!!! We'll see how fun this all is now

on Jan 15, 2007

Given his obsession with something that no longer concerns him,

Sad, isn't it, how someone spends the greater proportion of their life being downright 'ornery, miserable and unpleasant, that they end up entirely forgetting how to enjoy life, a bit of humour and friendship in the company of others.

I know if my greatest concern was a thread on some website, and it got up my nose more than anything else in the world, I'd go find a rope and end my lowly non-existence to avoid the possibility I might actually start to 'enjoy' living in abject misery.

Oh well....I guess it's back to business as usual! AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH, me buckos!!!

on Jan 15, 2007
"Illegitimici non corborundum"
on Jan 15, 2007
Sad, isn't it, how someone spends the greater proportion of their life being downright 'ornery, miserable and unpleasant, that they end up entirely forgetting how to enjoy life, a bit of humour and friendship in the company of others.

I know if my greatest concern was a thread on some website, and it got up my nose more than anything else in the world, I'd go find a rope and end my lowly non-existence to avoid the possibility I might actually start to 'enjoy' living in abject misery.

Oh well....I guess it's back to business as usual! AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH, me buckos!!!

Arrgggg! That be why ye be Captn and I be a lowly mate! Sich witdom be the cure for all that ails ye!

Now be me usin it elsewhere! Time to say "ta plank" for ta oders! Arrggggggg! Now where be that promotion button.....
on Jan 15, 2007
"Illegitimici non corborundum"

Ey now Seldom! No edumation here! Take that to the brainy blog!   
on Jan 15, 2007
Transfer the thread to an admins blog and delete any content by guy pc - clean it up - keeping only the funny bitand we can continue to use the thread without him bothering to get upset - simple enough I am sure. This thread is fun and enjoyed at one time or another by a lot of people and if it is getting up his nose surely a bit of "reprogramming" and tying it to someone else's blog would solve the issue?
on Jan 15, 2007
January 15, 2007 14:16:39

tis be quite ta movie show ye be puttin on an all Seldom!! aaaargghh
on Jan 15, 2007
is this a "who is gonna be the last one to leave a comment?" thread...?   
on Jan 15, 2007
is this a "who is gonna be the last one to leave a comment?" thread...?

Arrggg! be ye up ta da raid on Stardock?
on Jan 15, 2007
is this a "who is gonna be the last one to leave a comment?" thread...?

Who's going to be # 1000?
on Jan 15, 2007
Who's going to be # 1000?

{Donkey} Me! Pick Me! Me! Pick me!  

Lost on non Shrek viewers.
on Jan 15, 2007
'ere I take a time to work on me maps and plot a course outta of this cursed Triangle an all hell breaks loose...shiver me timbers if'n I can believe what I be readin'...'as he found 'is way back afterin all this bloody time...the poor buggar has more threats than the evil spock 'isself...matey, me be suggestin' you start a private thread on a piece of paper an ye will be safe from the horrible things this 'ere crew can do to hijackin' a blog 'rounds 'ere
on Jan 15, 2007
you start a private thread on a piece of paper

Aye! A paper tiger!  
on Jan 15, 2007
Lost on non Shrek viewers.

name one who be not seein' ol' Shrek
on Jan 15, 2007
name one who be not seein' ol' Shrek

Errrr. Ummmmm. Uhhhhh....

Hep me Mistress Jenny! Pulease!!!!

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