The Name says it all
Get Your Free Blog! Next Year!
Published on June 30, 2006 By TheGuyPC In Virtual Communities
Everyone at Joe User is just so happy and fun! You have to have a sense of humor with a name like Joe User!

I was considering starting a blogsite dedicated to the discussion of marriage. I was going to call it Harry Crabs. My wife balked, so I digress.

There is really no virtual community to compare to the honest, open perspective that Joe User has. There should be more like it. This world would be a much richer, more diverse place.

I, as soooooooo many others are just grateful to be blessed by the absolute intelligence that this community offers.

Thank you so much. And to do it all for free?! Wow!

Comments (Page 9)
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on Jul 11, 2006 it's a 'no', then....You didn't get that blog to work in JU.

A simple 'no' would suffice....

on Jul 11, 2006
I am going to post here occasionally. Then, I will probably ignore you. If you complain, I will accuse you of all kinds of things that are completely unsubstantiated.

You see, Corey, this is the kind of attitude for which everyone has been climbing all over your case....and which does not serve your cause at all well. It's one thing to take a snipe at someone/something in jest, but to launch vitriolic attacks serves only one alienate others and bring yourself into disrepute, and not advisable.

I never took a beating in the school yard.

Funny thing that....neither did I, but then I didn't place myself in a situation to receive one, nor did I go looking to administer anyone, whether I could have won the fight or not. That, however, can not be the case've begun a fight you cannot win. It is, therefore, more profitable for you to apologise and retire gracefully, perhaps with some dignity still intact.

Am I taking sides here? That'd be a resolute NO!! Just stating the obvious, in that you cannot take on the site's owner/admins and expect to win.

I came to this thread originally to add some levity to lighten things up some (see the difference in tone between this and my previous posts), but if you're going to continue dragging it down the gutter with ungracious remarks/attacks, even after your problem was solved, then it is a lost cause and I'm out of here...garnering support/friendship is not accomplished by putting peoples noses out of joint.
on Jul 11, 2006
The mere fact that you aren't exiled for being an ass should prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the crew here is good natured and even handed. I personally would have locked this and given you the ming the merciless treatment the moment I read it.

Monkey asses don't bring the quality of a site up, and while laughing at them can be fun, I don't think the entertainment value is worth the skid mark it creates on the forums. He's got a JU blog, so the probability that he'll be exiled eventually just skyrocketed. Why suffer the moron-a-thon in between?
on Jul 11, 2006

He's got a JU blog,

Has he?  I have absolutely zero interest in visiting...but just wanted to know whether his 'problem' was solved or not...

on Jul 11, 2006
Evidently. Grist for the mill, imho.
on Jul 11, 2006

The create blog site scripts were not functioning properly for awhile after we moved to the new database (as some may recall, we made a huge change to a new database early last month).  As a result, new blog sites were not reliably created.  The migration to the new database took time and sites that supported paying customers got priority over sites (like JU) that are free.

As for my political views, how's this for offensive - anyone who makes computer software purchasing decisions based on the political views of its CEO is probably too dumb to be using computer software.  I mean please, we live in a country where the largest American retailer is basically a front end to consumer products made in Communist China. 

On, the skins and themes and icons and wallpapers and more are made by people from around the world with a broad spectrum of opinions.  Why should I or anyone else care what someone's unrelated opinions are before I purchase or download something.  I'm not a celebrity, I'm just a guy with a personal blog espousing various political views on occasion.

on Jul 12, 2006

Say what you want, but, to most of us, your blog was just good comic relief in the midst of a bunch of Bush bashing and Bush ass kissing. I don't know of anyone who took this seriously, even as we were giving you a lot of points to start your blog.

Now that you have your blog, sit back, relax, and put on your tinfoil beanie. You can get instructions on how to construct one properly from dharmagrl, and I suggest it. Mine has been quite effective, though it HAS drawn stares from fellow users at the library (it's ENVY, I KNOW IT!!!)
on Jul 12, 2006
wow. That was freakin' halarious.

Congrats, Guy, Why the hell didn't you go to another blog site? Why is joe user so important to you that you wasted the time in ranting, just to make a stain on the internet? THAT i want to know.

I think you'd be better appreciated on Myspace.
on Jul 13, 2006
Why is joe user so important to you that you wasted the time in ranting, just to make a stain on the internet?

My grandfather always told me that if I were to make a stain, better it be on the internet than on the carpet. Wise words, and every day I get a little better at following them.
on Jul 13, 2006
My grandfather always told me that if I were to make a stain, better it be on the internet than on the carpet


Your Grandpa was brilliant!

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Jul 13, 2006
We all gotta make our mark somehow!

~lifts leg and pees on this thread~

Very good, little-whip, very good indeed...

Well why not, after one certain individual brought it to the brink of despair, or should that be disrepair, a bit of 'toilet' humour brings much needed comedic relief....well done.
on Jul 13, 2006
Plenty of other blog options open to you
on Jul 14, 2006
Plenty of other blog options open to you

But how many of those "other" blog options would net him 147 replies and counting for complaining about a nonexistent problem? This man is headed for the point whore hall of fame!
on Jul 14, 2006
My grandfather always told me that if I were to make a stain, better it be on the internet than on the carpet. Wise words, and every day I get a little better at following them.

Please dont tell me your Grandfather is AL Gore?
on Jul 14, 2006
But how many of those "other" blog options would net him 147 replies and counting for complaining about a nonexistent problem? This man is headed for the point whore hall of fame!

Ummmm...that would partly be my fault!! He lit the conspiracy fire and I kept coming back an' pouring on hot coals....and when it was just smouldering, almost out, I'd come back 'n throw on a few BBQ lighters and a bit 'o sagebrush to spark it along again. Come to think of it, which I do, got some kerosene and a few ol' logs laying around here somewhere. Hang on a mo'......

Oh yeah, that site facelift for, and the one planned for WC...well the new interfaces will have additional spy and eavesdropping gadgets included to catch unsavoury goings on. Word has it that Brad doesn't like nose picking, so anyone caught with a digit inserted into the nostrils beyond the second knuckle will be among the first to be excommunicated from the Stardock family. LOL: LOL: (dammit, now SmileyXtra ain't working, either)
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