The Name says it all
Get Your Free Blog! Next Year!
Published on June 30, 2006 By TheGuyPC In Virtual Communities
Everyone at Joe User is just so happy and fun! You have to have a sense of humor with a name like Joe User!

I was considering starting a blogsite dedicated to the discussion of marriage. I was going to call it Harry Crabs. My wife balked, so I digress.

There is really no virtual community to compare to the honest, open perspective that Joe User has. There should be more like it. This world would be a much richer, more diverse place.

I, as soooooooo many others are just grateful to be blessed by the absolute intelligence that this community offers.

Thank you so much. And to do it all for free?! Wow!

Comments (Page 46)
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on Dec 07, 2006
Seems o'Po Smedly wants to mutiny!

Po be immatatin the Capt'n to close to a match
on Dec 08, 2006
With that said, I don't hold grudges.

Neither do I or anyone else around here....most times ill spoken words are forgotten in no time and all returns to normal, 'cept when there's frequent reminders put up to jog our memories of those ill-conceived thoughts/utterances...not to mention the subsequent threat of reprisals over the 'unrelated' continuation of your original post.

Okay, I'm the clown with the pirate hat who perpetuated this thread with tongue in cheek conspiracy banter, an alien visitor and a fictional pirate ship that became home to an assortment of crazy characters, but so what, none of it relates to you, your business or your original complaint. To be quite honest, I'm at a total loss as to why you've still got yer knickers in a knot over it, given that the pirate theme has overwhelmingly taken precedence and has taken the limelight entirely away from you...'cept for when you come back with another rant to refresh our memories of your 'pre-edited' rant.

Right then - pirate/clown hat off - you obviously don't want to be friends and accept our invitation to join the frivolities, so if you can give me just ONE logical and legitimate reason to lock/delete this thread, I promise that I'll hold yer hand and get down all fours with you to beg the powers that be to wipe this thread from existence/off the face of the Earth....

However, given your penchant for putting your foot in it, you'll inevitably draw similar attention to yourself and the whole process will begin again unless you seriously deal with that huge chip on your shoulder and begin to lighten up,

BTW, PC, I've nothing against you personally, so don't take this as a personal attack. If anything, I feel sorry for you, that you let such trivial things get to you, so hopefully you'll take something positive from what I've said and come out the other side a happier person.

on Dec 08, 2006
Hey the guy PC made a pirate joke! now we're making some progress!

or at least i thought we were
on Dec 08, 2006
on Dec 08, 2006
Aye Capt'n? When did ye make seldomseen the entertainment chairman?
on Dec 08, 2006
Aye Capt'n? When did ye make seldomseen the entertainment chairman?

I didn't.....but if he can dance like that, the job's his.
on Dec 08, 2006
aarggh me fine mateys, I be back! I be crackin' me cat o nine tails loud so the world can 'ear it far an' wide.

I see there be lots 'appening while I bein' away on shore leave? (broken computer   )

The main curtains on this here tub 'ave been changed and some syrupy sweet sarcastic curtain been pout in its place? What 'as ta TheGuyPC been doing then changing ta curtains witout permissions from ta capt'n?. (we luvs yer tooooo)

aargh time fer another keel haulin party capt'n! Seldom be providin good entertainment, I be providin ta whippin', LW be providin ta wimmen from er barge and there be plenty rum and french froggie wine on board! Mistress Trudy still be cooking up a storm for ta crew?

hmmm it be good ta be back capt'n, mighty good. Ah Pecky, how be ye then? Ta boss been takin good care of yer then? Been lettin ye attack ta guys jelly beans and all? Now theres a good parrot!

How be the fine Mrs Starkers then? She be saying very little. She been keepin ye in line then capt'n?

Right then - pirate/clown hat off - you obviously don't want to be friends and accept our invitation to join the frivolities, so if you can give me just ONE logical and legitimate reason to lock/delete this thread, I promise that I'll hold yer hand and get down all fours with you to beg the powers that be to wipe this thread from existence/off the face of the Earth....

now don' be takin' away our good fun! We be 'avin lotsa new crew mates ere now too!

hahahahaha tis all good fun...................
on Dec 08, 2006
I bein' away on shore leave? (broken computer )

Aye, tha be troubled waters we be sailin' in...Capt'n starkers been fightin' to keep tha mutinous talk from spreadin' thru tha ship. Tha galley was poisoned with salt-peter an Doc near OD'd on tha Blue Pill an his runnin with tha Amazons...trouble waters indeed
on Dec 08, 2006
an Doc near OD'd on tha Blue Pill

Eh, now! Just because I be duelin pecky with my peter dont mean I be eatin them pills. They be for my plants! yea, that be the ticket!
on Dec 08, 2006
on Dec 08, 2006
don't laugh at your own jokes, whip.

on Dec 08, 2006
@ Mason:   
on Dec 08, 2006
How be the fine Mrs Starkers then? She be saying very little. She been keepin ye in line then capt'n?

Aargh, i be fine Mistress Jennifer, I bin bisy doin' wallpapers fer me puter n' ta upload to me deviantART gallery so's other's can see 'em too. I be glad ta see ye 'ave got yer puter fixed and ye be back aboard... thar be a few blaggards 'ere abouts that be needin' yer cat o' nine 'cross thar backs.
on Dec 09, 2006
I see there be lots 'appening while I bein' away on shore leave? (broken computer

It be good ta see ye back aboard Mistress Jennifer...I were worried 'bout ye there fer a while. I 'ad fears that thar Froggie Cap'n mighta kidnapped ye ta put' e's ship in order...bein' he aves no idears 'bout discipline an' e's crew not be 'oistin' tha sails cos they be too busy wenchin' all tha time.

How be the fine Mrs Starkers then? She be saying very little. She been keepin ye in line then capt'n?
Oh her be fine...her ave bin busy doodling wiv pretty pichures on 'er puter, meanin' 'er ave bin too busy to keep I in I bin gittin' up ta a bit o' mischief 'ere on tha forums.

now don' be takin' away our good fun! We be 'avin lotsa new crew mates ere now too!

No don't ye go wurryin' that thar pretty lil 'ead o' yers 'bout that, me dear! That that PC feller couldn' come up wiv a legit reason ta close this ere thread, much less a logical we be safe ta keep sailin' inta tha sunset ferever.

.trouble waters indeed

Nope, us've just 'it a coupla pot '' while I be not impressed that tha navvies be leavin' gapin' great 'oles in tha navigation lanes, us'll be orright cos Gorg be fittin' the twisted Sister wiv shock absorbers like wot be on e's space ship ta give us a smoover ride.

Eh, now! Just because I be duelin pecky with my peter dont mean I be eatin them pills.

'Ere, you be duelin wiv Pecky? That not be right....he be 'alf yer size n' e's peter be A LOT smaller n' yers. I suggests if ye wants ta sword fight like that thar , then git yerself o'er ta tha Froggie barge cos they 'aves wenches thar who be just itchin' ta learn how ta 'andle a, ye knows wot I mean.

BTW, ye'll 'ave ta take yer own supply o' blue pills...they be chargin an arm n' a leg fer 'em o'er thar. One o' our crewmen come back penniless n' missin' e's good 'e aves two peg legs that 'e says be too short. Tha saw bones put 'im in tha sick bay cos o' severe grazing to 'e's nether regions.
on Dec 09, 2006
don't laugh at your own jokes, whip.

Tha jokes 'ere be everybody's doin' n' free fer tha sharin'/larfin' at...tha whippin's be reserved fer they that not be larfin'. 'Ere, Mistress Jennifer, thar be a candidate juss itchin' fer a taste o' yer cat o' nine o'er 'ere.

BTW Trudy, now Mistress Jennifer be back aboard, us'll git them thar grub sabotuers n' 'ave 'em thrashed wvvin an inch o' thar sorry lives afore us keel'auls 'em 'neath a long boat us'll run aground. Us'll 'elp ye git yer galley back ta 'ow it 'sposed ta be run.
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