The Name says it all
Get Your Free Blog! Next Year!
Published on June 30, 2006 By TheGuyPC In Virtual Communities
Everyone at Joe User is just so happy and fun! You have to have a sense of humor with a name like Joe User!

I was considering starting a blogsite dedicated to the discussion of marriage. I was going to call it Harry Crabs. My wife balked, so I digress.

There is really no virtual community to compare to the honest, open perspective that Joe User has. There should be more like it. This world would be a much richer, more diverse place.

I, as soooooooo many others are just grateful to be blessed by the absolute intelligence that this community offers.

Thank you so much. And to do it all for free?! Wow!

Comments (Page 45)
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on Dec 07, 2006
bloomer kind of girl

Yep, an' wiv double 'elpings, an extra pint of Guinness, her can play the Oz National anthem on tha didgeridoo.....and fer a party trick once, I see'd 'er play Rimsky Korsikov's "Fight of the Bumblebee" on a trumpet.

on Dec 07, 2006
Well, I've seen quite a few "bad" words on this site. But at this moment, I haven't found ANYONE but myself who has been censored.

People, you know the history behind this so you reap what you sew.

I am not one to give up easily, though I must admit, looking back on some of MY posts, I've let my emotions get the best of me at times. I'm sure if you had a valid complaint, which was ignored for months, you would see the humor in a thread with several hundred posts.

Jafo said he never saw any post that asked me to delete this thread. Well, that should tell you all something. If nothing else, there are 3 posts in a row (2 censored) (at this time) that request this thread be locked. So, what message is it that is being sent?

The whole "This is gonna be fun" thread? Should it be? Should I do to this community what it is doing to me? Which among you knows that I was so stupid as to not be able to sign up for a blog for 3 months. Who among you think it is acceptable to just ignore repeated requests for help from a paying customer? I'm pretty sure that at this point, those in charge have looked into me deep enough to know about who is in my family. So tell everyone who is kidding will you? I'm tired of playing this game. I want it to stop so that I can get on with my enjoyment of the product that I paid good money for.

With that said, I don't hold grudges.

This is almost Christmas. I want to give the world a present. Jafo said that he didn't "personally" see ANY REQUEST TO DELETE THIS THREAD.

Jafo, Fuzzy, Frogboy, whoever....I would like this thread deleted. If it doesn't pain you too much of course. IS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH? IF NOT I WILL MAKE IT CLEAR>

Thank you for your kind consideration. You all clearly go out of your way to make sure that the "customer" comes first at Stardock, WinCustomize AND Joe User. *< damn astericks get you every time. Anyone who thinks that this is not the case can belly up to the bar, drink their fill, and then walk thee plank arggghh!!


on Dec 07, 2006
The thread itself violates no forum rules.  Short of a thread that has gone WAY off-topic, there's nothing here to justify any sort of removal.  If at any point we might have had even the slightest cause to remove the thread, it would have been right at the very beginning, now it's just a bunch of people goofing off going for some sort of record on longest thread on our forums 

Additionally, JoeUser is NOT a paid resource.  There are no "customers" of JU.
on Dec 07, 2006
can belly up to the bar, drink their fill, and then walk thee plank arggghh!!

Hey the guy PC made a pirate joke! now we're making some progress!
on Dec 07, 2006
Short of a thread that has gone WAY off-topic, there's nothing here to justify any sort of removal.

Define "way"
on Dec 07, 2006
This thread makes me embarrassed to be of the same species as all of ya.   
on Dec 07, 2006

Jafo, Fuzzy, Frogboy, whoever....I would like this thread deleted

As a WinCustomize moderator it is not up to me to remove threads from JU, so...
(and it's 'mostly harmless' anyway)

Fuzzy puts his feet up   

on Dec 07, 2006
With the fact that the original post has been edited . . the "harm" is greatly reduced.

Join the party or let it go theGuyPC. You can't make it better, only worse. Let it go.
on Dec 07, 2006
The thread itself violates no forum rules. Short of a thread that has gone WAY off-topic,

Arrg, Zoomba be Back! Break out ta rum and let us toast his return!
on Dec 07, 2006
Fuzzy puts his feet up

Be they fuzzy feet?
on Dec 07, 2006

They be big feet for kickin' ye all back to Davy Jones arrrr...

Where's me rum you blaggards, arrrr

on Dec 07, 2006
Where's me rum you blaggards, arrrr

Uh, sorry fuzzy feet. I be in charge o'ta rum. Life be a bitch, aint it?  
on Dec 07, 2006
on Dec 07, 2006
Seems o'Po Smedly wants to mutiny!  
on Dec 07, 2006
'Ere, an' anuvver fing, ye should git yerself outta tha galley more frequent like an' git up on deck fer some frivolities

LOL.......................oh sheesh....

why whatever gave you the ideaer I done need "frivolities"??? jes cause I likes me work cookin in dat der kitshen? Hhmph!

Ye best be tying up those dang scallywags that tried to cause me grief, and make em bend over for a few lashings! Then make em eat their own vittles! They cain't stay on the ship with windy bowels though, ship em off to another place.
If theys be allowed back, they have to scrub the privies, and whatever dirty work can be found. No filthy scum gonna ruin my cookin reputation.
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