The Name says it all
Get Your Free Blog! Next Year!
Published on June 30, 2006 By TheGuyPC In Virtual Communities
Everyone at Joe User is just so happy and fun! You have to have a sense of humor with a name like Joe User!

I was considering starting a blogsite dedicated to the discussion of marriage. I was going to call it Harry Crabs. My wife balked, so I digress.

There is really no virtual community to compare to the honest, open perspective that Joe User has. There should be more like it. This world would be a much richer, more diverse place.

I, as soooooooo many others are just grateful to be blessed by the absolute intelligence that this community offers.

Thank you so much. And to do it all for free?! Wow!

Comments (Page 44)
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on Dec 05, 2006
Seems he is into abusing dead equines,

Dunno it were a dead un....more like it were one o' tha Joe User nags - n' it wouldn' git up ta werk fer 'im neither.

Poor PC....first Joe User didn't wanna werk fer 'im, then tha nag didn' wanna neither. P'raps he be needin' ta see tha saw bones fer a humour injection to tha funny bone afore 'e be 'avin' a larf wiv us.
on Dec 05, 2006
Ok Ok...I need to step in here. If i get sued, good luck! I dont have any money anyway. GuyPC you are a paranoid putz in need of a tinfoil suit and all together changing what you had originally posted will not make you look any better in our eyes or the courts for that matter, nor will it save you! I'm sure somewhere someone has record of the absolute nonsense you were spewing when all this began...I wonder if you act the same way in public as you do on the computer? you may be able to fix PC's but you obviously do not know how to conduct yourself on suggestion, stick to repairing computers b/c the damage you have done to your "good name" is unrepairable...
on Dec 05, 2006
Reply #666

Ooooo scary!
on Dec 05, 2006
thats right...time to give the devil his due
on Dec 05, 2006
thats right...time to give the devil his due

Sorry Skinhit, but I dunno thar be a comparison 'ere.

I see'd that thar Peter Cook n' Dudley Moore fill'm wot were called 'Bedazzled', and as I 'members it, tha Devil (Peter Cook) 'ad rather good manners. He might've been a bit devious like, but he were certainly were well spoke'd.

Also see'd tha Brendan Fraser, Liz Hurley redo of it, where her whar tha devious devil n' tryin' ta take poor ol Brendan's soul....

Now thar be one 'orny devil I'd like ter be payin' a few dues ta...
on Dec 05, 2006
Poor PC....first Joe User didn't wanna werk fer 'im, then tha nag didn' wanna neither wonders if that all that be not working for the mate.......
on Dec 05, 2006
thats right...time to give the devil his due

AYe, someone had ta get the number of ta beast.   
on Dec 05, 2006 wonders if that all that be not working for the mate.......

Wot be ye suggestin' 'ere Doc....that all tha stress 'e puts 'eself through be rather deflatin' an' he be seein' tha saw bones fer some Viagara.

AYe, someone had ta get the number of ta beast.

Aaarrrghhh, an' wouldn' I be luvin' ta git tha number of that thar Liz Hurley beast. Now that thar be one devil a feller 'd willingly sell e's soul ter git tha number of ...and not just 'er phone No. (on speed dial), but tha house number and a front door key as whar be that saw bones.
on Dec 05, 2006
on Dec 05, 2006
on Dec 05, 2006
Now jez wheerebouts did youse find me fine horseies eh?? an why iz youse a beatin on em?!

Furthder morh, my beef roast was jez fine, same for ta beans I boiled up..

tain't put nuttin in the food cept for onions, and seasonings! IFfin youse got windy bowels, then you been gittin into the booze.

Look fer nother cook ifin ya thinks me cain't cook good enoughin!

I've cooked for the finest heads of Europe, well...for the men of the city back in the colonies....
take me or leave's a doan care none
on Dec 06, 2006
tain't put nuttin in the food cept for onions, and seasonings! IFfin youse got windy bowels, then you been gittin into the booze.

It not be tha booze fer me cos I be a be tha curried cabbage that whar causin' I severe & frequent trouser coughs. And as ye knows, that thar cabbage were brought frum ashore pre-curried, so knowed it weren't ye who whar tha doing of it....

Me thinks tho, thar be a galley 'and who be after yer job and they be sabotagin' tha grub ta git ye tha sack. If I were ye, I'd 'ave 'em flogged n' sent a Davy Jones' locker afore they tarnishes yer reputashun any furver. Juss say tha wurd n' us'll be sure ta 'ave tha gangplank vacant fer yer convenience.

'Ere, an' anuvver fing, ye should git yerself outta tha galley more frequent like an' git up on deck fer some frivolities.
on Dec 06, 2006
it be tha curried cabbage that whar causin' I severe & frequent trouser coughs.

Curried cabbage? Ye be lucky to be livin! That stuf is lethal.
on Dec 06, 2006
Curried cabbage? Ye be lucky to be livin! That stuf is lethal.

Fortunately me sinuses be blocked so I can live wiv meself...but it be a diff'rent story if tha missus partakes of it. I aves ta break out tha gas mask cos 'er bloomer boomers be a far more lethal concoction....her aves a side of garlic prawns and several pints o'Draught Guinness ta wash it down.
on Dec 07, 2006
bloomer boomers

side of garlic prawns and several pints o'Draught Guinness

my kind of girl
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