The Name says it all
Get Your Free Blog! Next Year!
Published on June 30, 2006 By TheGuyPC In Virtual Communities
Everyone at Joe User is just so happy and fun! You have to have a sense of humor with a name like Joe User!

I was considering starting a blogsite dedicated to the discussion of marriage. I was going to call it Harry Crabs. My wife balked, so I digress.

There is really no virtual community to compare to the honest, open perspective that Joe User has. There should be more like it. This world would be a much richer, more diverse place.

I, as soooooooo many others are just grateful to be blessed by the absolute intelligence that this community offers.

Thank you so much. And to do it all for free?! Wow!

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on Sep 25, 2006

Bosun Gid has surface - yesterday - he popped 'is head out ta cabin for a second - now 'e be back there!

I told ye not ta send a cabin girl a lookin' fer ' 'e will only stick he's 'ead out o' there ta git more rum n' food.

Ere now! What have them sharks ever done to you.

Not ta worry about them sharks me ol' bucko. PC have developed a raaather tough n' grissled 'ide o'er the years, so's 'em would find 'im none too appertisin' an' would look ta be eatin' elsewhere....just so long as 'em stays out o' me fav'rite tavern I don't mind.

on Sep 27, 2006
Arrggg, I be back. With Healthy doses of Penny Cillan for all them viruses I be exposed to! I'll not be shirking my duty any more as I will be nuking that PC tonight.
on Sep 27, 2006
Arrggg, I be back. With Healthy doses of Penny Cillan for all them viruses I be exposed to! I'll not be shirking my duty any more as I will be nuking that PC tonight.

Ay Doc ye be a good man cuttin all em virus out fer ye family! Be sure to be careful!
on Sep 27, 2006
Be sure to be careful!

Not careful enuff. Where do ye think I got my peg leg from?
on Sep 27, 2006
Not careful enuff. Where do ye think I got my peg leg from?

ay ye best be careful of termites too then!   
on Sep 27, 2006
ay ye best be careful of termites too then!

Now ye tell me! arrrrrggggg!
on Sep 28, 2006
ay ye best be careful of termites too then!

Fer sure....once they've done eatin' yer peg leg, they starts a nibblin' on yer stump.
on Sep 28, 2006
they starts a nibblin' on yer stump

ere it gives new meanin' to creepy crawlies!

Nurse Golightly best be gettin' some jeyes fluid out and washin im down jus' in case!

Arrggg it be so quiet round 'ere these days, where be ta res' a ta crew?
on Sep 28, 2006
Arrggg it be so quiet round 'ere these days, where be ta res' a ta crew?

Me thinks there be too much wenchin' n' rum swillin' going on fer there ta be gettin' any work done on deck. We be gettin' too low in tha waaater, so us'll 'ave ta git this scurvy lot a bilge pumpin' an' sail hoistin' ta sure o' reachin' Stardock....otherwise them sea dogs'll be up ta their 'ammocks in bilge waaaater an' it'll serve 'em right.
on Sep 28, 2006
I be ere {hic}. Just a might too much celebrating after we keel hauled that other Capt'n.
on Sep 29, 2006
I be ere {hic}. Just a might too much celebrating after we keel hauled that other Capt'n.

I knows you be ' be them others who be sciving orf ta misbe'ave n' shirk their duties. So if ye can steer yer way clear between hiccups ta give 'em all a good bollockin', I'd be much appreciatin' it. Us'll be needin' all 'ands on deck if we ta be lootin' more o' them Froggie traders.

I 'ears on the vine that us might be gettin' another crew member who be knowed as seldomdeen...I 'opes 'e can find us alright, or us'll 'ave ta go ashore n' bring 'im aboard ourselves.
on Sep 29, 2006
'ears on the vine that us might be gettin' another crew member who be knowed as seldomdeen

Wit a name like that, I wonder if he be holden to 'is name?
on Sep 29, 2006
Wit a name like that, I wonder if he be holden to 'is name?

ye be so quick like doc!  
on Sep 30, 2006
Wit a name like that, I wonder if he be holden to 'is name?

Dunno why 'e chose a name like thaaat....I sees alot of 'im about....just not 'ere. Me thinks us'll 'ave ter fetch 'im aboard me 'earties.. .assemble tha press gang, first mate Guy, an' we'll go bring 'im back...kickin' n' screamin' if needs be.

An' Mistress Jennifer, I be glad ta see ye tryin' ta recruit new crew members on thaaat other thread...t'would be good to 'ave Fairyy~ aboard.
on Oct 01, 2006
I be totally over the beloved Brisbane Broncos won the National Rugby League Grand Final by seven points, in a tough, hard fought game. WOOOOOHOOOOO YIPEE WHOOOP, WHOOP WOWEE!!!!

Now I be orf ta celerbrate wiv a cuppa tea n' a scone.
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