The Name says it all
Get Your Free Blog! Next Year!
Published on June 30, 2006 By TheGuyPC In Virtual Communities
Everyone at Joe User is just so happy and fun! You have to have a sense of humor with a name like Joe User!

I was considering starting a blogsite dedicated to the discussion of marriage. I was going to call it Harry Crabs. My wife balked, so I digress.

There is really no virtual community to compare to the honest, open perspective that Joe User has. There should be more like it. This world would be a much richer, more diverse place.

I, as soooooooo many others are just grateful to be blessed by the absolute intelligence that this community offers.

Thank you so much. And to do it all for free?! Wow!

Comments (Page 70)
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on Apr 20, 2007
I've 'eard that double-postin' also be a sign tha' ye benn too long under the moon too
on Apr 20, 2007
I've 'eard that double-postin' also be a sign tha' ye benn too long under the moon too

Aaarrgghh, that thar full moon 'aves alot ta answer fer....too many late nite strolls on deck, me finks.

Ahhh!!! (little light comes on) Now I knows why mrs starkers calls I a lunartic.
on Apr 21, 2007
This here thread has gone on long enuff!

It's the March of The Pirate Penguins!
on Apr 26, 2007
This here thread has gone on long enuff!

Aw, Po`, you tryin' ta say this 'ere social 'xperiment (outlet fer me pent up pirate fantasies) be juss a tad long?

I 'opes ye realises it be tha only fing I 'aves ta git up ta in tha morn.
on Apr 26, 2007
'opes ye realises it be tha only fing I 'aves ta git up ta in tha morn

What about the lovely Mrs. Starkers?
on Apr 27, 2007

What about the lovely Mrs. Starkers?

Aarrgghh, now that'd be orright if'n 'er wos ta git up in tha morn.....most days she be sleeping in 'er 'ammock 'til midday n' gone cos she be up all night on that thar internet yakkin' ta folks wot calls 'emselves skinners n' tha like.

Me finks I unleashed a monster when I showed 'er wot this 'ere Stardock technology...'er lives, breathes n' dreams it now.

So 'ow be 'e goin', Po`? I 'adn't see'd ye 'round fer a bit! I 'opes ye n' yer missus n' yer young uns be farin' well 'pon tha sea o' life.
on Apr 27, 2007
i cant believe this thread still lives.... when was the last time "the guy pc" actually stopped by?
on Apr 27, 2007
when was the last time "the guy pc" actually stopped by?

He was banned a couple of months ago. Did some nasty stuff, and that stardock technology caught him and reprogrammed his brain.
on Apr 27, 2007
when was the last time "the guy pc" actually stopped by?

Lika tha doc says...he were barred/made ta walk tha plank...tho I begs ta differ 'bout e's brain bein' reprogrammed. One 'aves ter 'ave one ta start wiv fer that ta 'appen.

Aaarrgghh, it be good ta see 'e Doc me ol' 'arty....'ow be 'e doin' ol' mate? I 'opes ye got that thar rum swillin' down ta a finer art, if not under control.

Now let's be settin' sail fer Stardock ta add ta our booty.

****meanwhile, Brad n' tha Stardock crew 'll be shaking in thar boots o'er bein' invaded by a bunch o' ravin' lunatics****
on Apr 27, 2007
****meanwhile, Brad n' tha Stardock crew 'll be shaking in thar boots o'er bein' invaded by a bunch o' ravin' lunatics****

Me hears that brad be plannin a vaykayshun. Best we attack then. As they say, when the frog be away, the pirates kin play!
on Apr 27, 2007
add ta our booty...??!!   

on Apr 27, 2007
add ta our booty...??!!


on Apr 28, 2007
'Ere, Zubaz, that not be tha kind o' booty we be talkin' 'bout ' wants tha kind that'll make us rich beyond our wildest dreams. That thar kind o' booty 'll cost us more than it brings in, unless.....

an' shiver me timbers, us baint be g'wen inta that wikkid bisniss.

Me hears that brad be plannin a vaykayshun. Best we attack then. As they say, when the frog be away, the pirates kin play!

Aarrgghh, that'll be tha time ta strike....while tha frog's away an' e's tadpoles be a playin', us'll sneak in tha back door n' lay siege 'til tha Jolly Roger flies high o'er Stardock.

on Apr 28, 2007

Aarrgghh, that'll be tha time ta strike....while tha frog's away an' e's tadpoles be a playin', us'll sneak in tha back door n' lay siege 'til tha Jolly Roger flies high o'er Stardock.

As a duly appointed representative of His Majesty it is my job to see you all swing from the nearest yardarm.

Damn pirates - just a bunch of scurvy blaggards if you ask me.

on Apr 28, 2007
As a duly appointed representative of His Majesty it is my job to see you all swing from the nearest yardarm.

A representative of His bleedin' Majesty, eh! Well I'll 'ave ye know 'e 'ave sent many a land-lubbin' blaggard after us wot failed ta bring us to e's so-called justice. Aaarrghh, we'll be ready fer 'e cos us'll see ye comin'....thru our spyglasses ye'll be tha pointy eared geezer wot's green n' 'angin' o'er tha side o' tha barge our cannons 'll be aimed fer.
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