The Name says it all
Get Your Free Blog! Next Year!
Published on June 30, 2006 By TheGuyPC In Virtual Communities
Everyone at Joe User is just so happy and fun! You have to have a sense of humor with a name like Joe User!

I was considering starting a blogsite dedicated to the discussion of marriage. I was going to call it Harry Crabs. My wife balked, so I digress.

There is really no virtual community to compare to the honest, open perspective that Joe User has. There should be more like it. This world would be a much richer, more diverse place.

I, as soooooooo many others are just grateful to be blessed by the absolute intelligence that this community offers.

Thank you so much. And to do it all for free?! Wow!

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on May 18, 2007
Aarrrgghh, I 'ave bin assemblin' me a new crew fer ta be sailin' this 'ere 'Twisted Sister' ta tha Great Barrier Reef....after us 'ave bin in drydock ta cut out tha hull n' replace 'er wiv a glass un. Thar juss be no booty in this 'ere sailin' ta Stardock caper,'n none o' ye 'aves any enfusiasm fer it anymore, so me n' this 'ere new crew'll be gittin' inta tha tourism trade instead. (and Brad says thank f*@k for that )

Thar'll be many a dubloom ta be made wiv this 'ere converted ol' pirate ship, showin me payin' passengers tha reef's many wunders while I juss lays back, sips me iced tea 'n gits meself a suntan.

Arrrgggh this 'ere new crew may be thaa roughest lookin' bunch o' sea dogs, but i'll tell 'e wot, they'm tha most loyal bunch o swabs I e'er 'ad tha pleasure ta sail wiv
on May 19, 2007
Tha new crew be orf ta git their mug shots fer their' juss ta show ye wot a pack o' loyal swabs they be, I'll be nailin' their pics ta tha mizzen fer yer peepers when they comes back tomorra

Be warned, most of 'em be sum wot gruesome lookin'.
on May 21, 2007
Be warned, most of 'em be sum wot gruesome lookin'.

Aye, dat be true. War da ya tink they got the idea of a Jolly Roger? Twas me babbee picture no less.
on May 21, 2007

Which one o' ye blaggards be firin' 't Cutty Sark?

Oi' be takin' me cutlass to e' gonads an no mistake   

on May 22, 2007
Which one o' ye blaggards be firin' 't Cutty Sark?

She be a fine ship, that she were.
on May 22, 2007
Which one o' ye blaggards be firin' 't Cutty Sark?

Nay, 't weren't none of us wot done that....she whar too fine a vessel fer tha likes o' bein' burnt' down 't waterline. It would 'ave ter 'ave bin a landlubber, cos no sea salt wurth e's salt would've done such a dastardly fing....string 'em up by tha bollocks I ses, frum tha 'ighest yardarm we can find.

Aye, dat be true. War da ya tink they got the idea of a Jolly Roger?

Gruesome weren't tha word....tha bloke wot does them portraits fingwybobs fer passports called in 'n reckoned 'e'd 'ave ter git 'imself a new fangled gadget cos 'e reckuns they done broke 'is old un wiv their diabolical dials.....

I 'opes 'e gits 'em dun soon so's us can set sail real fast, like.....I 'ears thar be sum booty laden Chinese Junks wot got dashed up agin tha coral reefs n' sunk in these ere waters 'round Northern Orstraylya.
on May 22, 2007
Zany spun out story on this looooonnnng post! A fun post if ever there was one

on May 23, 2007
Bosun Barnabas Bailey

on May 23, 2007
Have any of ye been readin' this 'ere article?  Real Pirate Hang-outs

on May 23, 2007
Gunner Grimble Griswald

on May 23, 2007
Navigator Nobby Nathaniel

on May 23, 2007
'elmsman 'orrible 'uxtable

on May 23, 2007
And tha Saw Bones.....Digby Damage.

Well thar ye 'as it, me loyal n' keen as mustard bain't they be tha most bewtiful lookin' bunch o' ol' sea swabs ye did ever cast yer peepers on !!!! I juss 'opes 'em don't scare orf me payin' passengers wots signed up fer tha first reef cruise.

on May 23, 2007
Have any of ye been readin' this 'ere article? Real Pirate Hang-outs

Them buggers oughter be ashamed of 'emselves...firing rockets n' stuff at 'armless cruise ships.. .not very gentlemanly-like at all. It gives honest pirates like us a bad name, it do.

Gone are tha days of us more chivalrous pirates, I tell 'e, now they'm uncivilised an' a murderous bunch o vishous cutfroats.....that's wot 'em be, murderous n' uncivilised.

on May 25, 2007
aaargghh Cap't Starkers permission ta come aboard? Me time in confinement bein served an all?
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