The Name says it all
Get Your Free Blog! Next Year!
Published on June 30, 2006 By TheGuyPC In Virtual Communities
Everyone at Joe User is just so happy and fun! You have to have a sense of humor with a name like Joe User!

I was considering starting a blogsite dedicated to the discussion of marriage. I was going to call it Harry Crabs. My wife balked, so I digress.

There is really no virtual community to compare to the honest, open perspective that Joe User has. There should be more like it. This world would be a much richer, more diverse place.

I, as soooooooo many others are just grateful to be blessed by the absolute intelligence that this community offers.

Thank you so much. And to do it all for free?! Wow!

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on Nov 07, 2006
The translation for you puny earthlings is -

Ye be a Romulan Spy! No Vulcan wud call us ertlings puny.

Aye, perhaps I see now. Ye be Evil Spock. Ne'er mind.
on Nov 07, 2006
Aye, I told ye to have me winder facing the sails. Twould be more air in the sails if ye had listened.

Considered it....briefly! Then I thort to meself, us'll be needin' them thar sails ta git' that snorin o' yer's be likely ta blow 'em ta Kingdom Come.

Alternatively, us could 'ook yer snoz up to turbines that'd drive some paddles instead. I orften thort about gittin' us a paddle steamer, but there were no way I were paartin' wiv any o' me booty fer coal....arrrgghh, and there were the answer in front o' me the whole time: Dr Guy's multi speeded; fuel injected; turbo charged, dual barreled snoz.

Hmmm if Gorg be gettin' things fixed real quick like, we can be flyin' orf into space and we be not needin sails like!

Arrrrgghh, that be soundin' good...orf inta space ta plunder instead. An' it'd be cheap on fuel as well....all us'd have ta do is stick a bit o' sneezin' powder under Doc's snoz and we'd be 'Star Trekkin' round the universe' in no time at all.
on Nov 08, 2006
all us'd have ta do is stick a bit o' sneezin' powder under Doc's snoz

be ther any of that thar powder left or haz he had his way wit it
on Nov 09, 2006
be ther any of that thar powder left or haz he had his way wit it

Us'll git some more if 'e did 'appen ta 'ave 'e's (wikkid) way wiv it....just so's he could whip up a cyclone ta blow tha ship's moggie (cat) overboard.

Dr Guy told I he weren't too partial ta tha moggie, but I never thort e'd go that far.

It be real good ta see ye here, ta...welcome aboard me 'earty....n' 'ave lotsa fun while ye be 'ere.
on Nov 09, 2006
Arrrrgghh, that be soundin' good...orf inta space ta plunder instead. An' it'd be cheap on fuel as well....all us'd have ta do is stick a bit o' sneezin' powder under Doc's snoz and we'd be 'Star Trekkin' round the universe' in no time at all.

We best be thinkin out Stardock, afore we be takin on Starfleet!
on Nov 09, 2006
Dr Guy told I he weren't too partial ta tha moggie, but I never thort e'd go that far.

*Smack Doc around the head* oy yer scurvy first mate ye be fishin 'at moggie back ou' ta' water now ye 'ear! Sally not be please ye be kickin Socrates over board now will she?   

Sally no doubt be keepin ta doc awake till 'e be gettin' socrates back on board fer er!

Now ye be postin' another pic o' Sally Doc?
on Nov 09, 2006
Doc, did Sally win the competition or get placed?
on Nov 09, 2006
Alternatively, us could 'ook yer snoz up to turbines that'd drive some paddles instead. I orften thort about gittin' us a paddle steamer, but there were no way I were paartin' wiv any o' me booty fer coal....arrrgghh, and there were the answer in front o' me the whole time: Dr Guy's multi speeded; fuel injected; turbo charged, dual barreled snoz.


Dr Guy's multi speeded; fuel injected; turbo charged, dual barreled snoz


*slaps the capt'n on 'is 'ead* thats fer bein so funny like!
on Nov 09, 2006
Doc, did Sally win the competition or get placed?

I'll be checkin wit da wife. Will post another soon.
on Nov 09, 2006
*slaps the capt'n on 'is 'ead

Nope....won't tolerate it!!! 'Owever, if ye wants ta git out yer cat o' nine I'll 'appily bend o'er the barrel n' take me lumps that way instead....cos Mrs starkers knee be a bit stiff wiv arfritis these days n' I be missin' out on a good whoopin' ta keep me feet firmly planted on tha ground....errr, deck!!!

Oh, an' Jen....not ta worry 'bout tha moggie, neither. Gorg were fishin' an it come back aboard kipper 'e if ye sees an overly furry ball waftin' about decks it be tha moggie....Gorg took pity on tha drenched lil blighter n' blow dried 'im.

Hadn't seed Pecky fer a bit....lookout says 'e be up'n tha crows nest n' won't come down 'til us plugs Doc's snoz wiv a coupla corks or summat..... that gives I an idear!!! If us runs outta cannonballs, us can shove a couple rum stoppers in Doc's double barreled snoz n' aim it at blaggards vessels, wiv a good supply o' corks us could sink a fleet o' battleships.....aaaarrrghhh, wiv Doc's snoz as a secrit weapon us'd be invincible.
on Nov 09, 2006

570 posts??!  How the hell are you guys keeping this going still?

I tip my hat to you all!

on Nov 09, 2006
570 posts??! How the hell are you guys keeping this going still?
I tip my hat to you all!

Arrggg....Ye be findin out soon enuff. Once we raid stardock and the new technology ye be usin on ta web.
on Nov 09, 2006
We best be thinkin out Stardock, afore we be takin on Starfleet!

Ahaaar....but ye not be seein' tha bigger picture, be ye Mate Guy. Shiver me briny timbers, ye be slippin' Dr guy. If we was ta git Starfleet on side, us'd be able ta beam up that thar Stardock technology we be needin' ta take o'er tha world...tha galaxy when we be done wiv this ere lil rock. Then tha Universe???

BTW, when us take oe'r StarFleet, we be maroonin' that thar Spock feller on Venus fer a bit, bein' he were chasin' after wenches n' wored out e's sehlat. Thar'd be no use of 'im in battle wiv a flaccid sehlat, n' mebbe them thar wenches on Venus'll help revive it afore us goes a conquerin' tha Galaxy
on Nov 09, 2006
aaaarrrghhh, wiv Doc's snoz as a secrit weapon us'd be invincible.

Arrggg....Ye be findin out soon enuff. Once we raid stardock and the new technology ye be usin on ta web.

aargghh Doc ye be soundin funny like wi' em cannon balls up ye nose!!!! But ta capt be right ye be a terriyinly good weapon when ye be snorin' scare away ta devil imself ye will!

Nope....won't tolerate it!!! 'Owever, if ye wants ta git out yer cat o' nine I'll 'appily bend o'er the barrel n' take me lumps that way instead....

over ta barrel ye go wi' yer then!

Gorg took pity on tha drenched lil blighter n' blow dried 'im

tank ye gorg ye be a good lil alien!
on Nov 09, 2006
BTW, when us take oe'r StarFleet, we be maroonin' that thar Spock feller on Venus fer a bit, bein' he were chasin' after wenches n' wored out e's sehlat. Thar'd be no use of 'im in battle wiv a flaccid sehlat, n' mebbe them thar wenches on Venus'll help revive it afore us goes a conquerin' tha Galaxy

But he be the evil spock from another universe. We not be findin him in starfleet
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