The Name says it all
Get Your Free Blog! Next Year!
Published on June 30, 2006 By TheGuyPC In Virtual Communities
Everyone at Joe User is just so happy and fun! You have to have a sense of humor with a name like Joe User!

I was considering starting a blogsite dedicated to the discussion of marriage. I was going to call it Harry Crabs. My wife balked, so I digress.

There is really no virtual community to compare to the honest, open perspective that Joe User has. There should be more like it. This world would be a much richer, more diverse place.

I, as soooooooo many others are just grateful to be blessed by the absolute intelligence that this community offers.

Thank you so much. And to do it all for free?! Wow!

Comments (Page 34)
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on Oct 14, 2006
I have solved my own problem! I created my own site.....just so I could learn how to create an account on the web.

I must admit, once I got it up and running, it was a bit of a learning curve to figure out how to sign up. But I did it! I've also learned how to add pic's to my photo gallery, post in my forums, create classified ads, upload music etc. All on MY OWN SITE

The sign up was the hard part though...I must admit. They just don't explain this part well enough. Now I hope I don't log out of my own site, or I may not be able to figure out how to log back in!   

I know that this will strike you as funny....but did you know that I can pick and choose who I want to allow to register? Yep! It's true. It's amazing what you can do with an admin. panel. You don't even need to know a persons IP address. Though I still don't have a clue what that is. I can stop anyone from doing anything at any time! If anyone has a complaint? I can ignore the shit out of them.....then, bash them for months! What would Bush say? Oh, "That'll learn um."

So I've figured out a lot. But I can see that you all are busy with your little circle jerk and don't have time for anything else. That's o.k., just keep basing your opinions on absolute ignorance. That's the way to succeed in this world.

You all bore the shit out of me. But I'm sure you knew that seem to know everything.

on Oct 14, 2006

Guess we won't be getting an invite then...

...oh darn my little cotton socks   

on Oct 14, 2006
Now I hope I don't log out of my own site, or I may not be able to figure out how to log back in!

Well if it happens, you're always welcome back here for a visit, to share classifieds & photos....and nobody need see yer red face or embarrassment (unless you wanna post a webcam pic).....

Got locked out o' me cabin once and (rotundly) got stuck halfway trying ta go thru tha port 'ole ....just as well I went in feet first, or everyone would've seed me embarrassment.

You all bore the shit out of me.

So I take it from that, we won't be getting a pirate thread over there, then?

Not to worry, PC, best of luck with your site, hope it all goes well for you.

on Oct 14, 2006
Got locked out o' me cabin once and (rotundly) got stuck halfway trying ta go thru tha port 'ole ....just as well I went in feet first, or everyone would've seed me embarrassment.

Ooooh me capt'n that be a funny picture what springin' ta me mind! I be bettin' Mrs Starkers be using her paddle on ye stuck bottom and there be nought ye can be doin bout it!

Bon Voyage Guy Pc and best o luck ta yer matey! May ye be findin many chests o booty ta fill ye pockets and wimmen ta be keepin ye bed warm!   

oh darn my little cotton socks

oy thar Fuzzy ye be givin ye sock ta the good Mrs Starkers - she be very good at darnin socks!

Aye 'n' y' be scratchin' this here...

Seldom now this ere picture ye be showin be real icky and blobby an where be ta head? I be worrin' what ye be doin wit ta head, I 'oping ye be not shrinkin' ta 'ead fer an ornament o that thar poor person!

Aint nuttin more respectable than crew this fine ship!

aye First Mate Guy this be true! Tis ta best ship in ta world!

on Oct 14, 2006
Ooooh me capt'n that be a funny picture what springin' ta me mind! I be bettin' Mrs Starkers be using her paddle on ye stuck bottom and there be nought ye can be doin bout it!

Oh Arrggghhhh! And it were the best spankin' I ever 'ad....t'were real good 'til 'er stopped paddlin', an' I says to 'er: "Ow about ye gives it one almighty final effort ....please."

Well' er did, an' it were a beauty too....I feels a ferocious crack across me arse an' the next thing I knows be me 'ead 'ittin' the cabin door on tha other side o' the room. Not only were I nursin' an 'eadache, I could 'ardly sit down ta eat me tea....which weren't easy cos me false teeth 'ad flied out an' wasn't found 'til next morn'.
on Nov 03, 2006
AAARRRGGGHHH!!!! I be back aboard! Now whare be 'e all me 'earties? Thar be bilge swillin' up from down below, sails that needs a hoistin', n' wenches that needs a chasin'....not ta mention them thar kegs o' rum us aves down in tha 'old. Best ye all gits back ta work 'n pump tha bilge afore them rum kegs floats orf inta tha sea.
on Nov 03, 2006
We be here. 'Ow was the vacation Capt'n?
on Nov 03, 2006
We be here. 'Ow was the vacation Capt'n?

I'z don know bout thee Capt'n but me has had one long vacation from this here one missed me either....I shan't become a topless wench to become a favorite here....
I still thinks me best be cooking and not nursing the men...I'z much rather be handling taters than men's parts...if there's any men's parts to be handled, I'll do the choosing instead of having to do that...

that ok with you? anyone?
on Nov 03, 2006
I still thinks me best be cooking and not nursing the men...I'z much rather be handling taters than men's parts...if there's any men's parts to be handled, I'll do the choosing instead of having to do that...

We be needin a cook! The crew be wastin away on grilled cheese sandwiches.
on Nov 03, 2006
It be 'bout bloody time ye all be back on ta boat!

on Nov 03, 2006
I sees Ta nurse has become ta cook? Ms Trudy be cookin fine food fer all!
on Nov 03, 2006
Ms Trudy be cookin fine food fer all!

She be a professional! No more of that maggot infested grub we be eatin for the last 40 days. Arrrggggg!
on Nov 03, 2006
She be a professional! No more of that maggot infested grub we be eatin for the last 40 days. Arrrggggg!

ah that be sounded good, Ms Trudy what we be suppin' tonight?
on Nov 03, 2006
ah that be sounded good, Ms Trudy what we be suppin' tonight?

AHA! Vala! I knew ye be here! You cant stay away from a good voyage!
on Nov 03, 2006
So, go on sissy boy.


um.... "go on" what?

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