The Name says it all
Is Joe User still Joke User?
Published on January 3, 2007 By TheGuyPC In Virtual Communities
Here at WinCustomize, nothing ever changes. It's one lie after another. It's censorship, based on ideology. Where as it's alright for a moderator to call a user a "twat", it's completely unacceptable for a user to make any reference to the same. In fact, even a the reference is out of bounds.

But such is the way at WinCustomize.

So now, I have to wait for a rather long time for WC to load. My ratings have NEVER made a difference. I've been treated like a virus from the time I asked my first quetion...and, I've been censored over, and over again.

But, I keep coming back. Why? Because I can be a real dickhead when I want to be.

So, how many minutes should a WC subscriber have to wait to access the site? How many times should a customer have to ask for an ongoing mockery to be removed?

Do yourselves a favor...fellow surfers. Go clean the toilets at WalMart. It will take far less time than creating ANY skin...and it will be more appreciated.

Don't waste your money here. WinCustomize cares about one thing still. $$$$$$$$$ If you give it to them? You'll get exactly the same thing you're getting now (as a non-subcriber/customer). If you're happy with forking over the bucks for no good reasons...don't blame me later.

PC = Please Change.

on Jan 03, 2007
So now, I have to wait for a rather long time for WC to load.

Why? You didn't state why you have to wait? Because you can't use the t-word or reference it? This makes no sense.

I've been treated like a virus from the time I asked my first quetion.

I don't think so. Or you would have been removed like a virus.

But, I keep coming back. Why?

Better yet, why waste all your energy and time on these rants? There has to be something more positive and constructive you can do than feed the hate.

Go clean the toilets at WalMart. It will take far less time than creating ANY skin...and it will be more appreciated.

Not true. I am an area manger for a commercial janitorial service. Like WC, the majority of the time we hear from customers is when they have a complaint. They almost never call when things are running well to say 'Good job.' And the employees under me, who do the actual scrubbing of the toilets, have to be some of the most under appreciated people I know.

You'll get exactly the same thing you're getting now (as a non-subcriber/customer).

Sigh. If you don't have a subscription and are unfamiliar with the sight...and are even considering buying this guys rant...check the link for all the things you get when you subscribe.
WWW Link

If you're happy with forking over the bucks for no good reasons...don't blame me later.

Why would they? Lord, don't tell me there is a thread or something around here where you actually come off as an advocate for WC? Be still my beating heart.

PC = Please Change.

WC has, is, and continues to.

When will you?

Because your rants are just old, unoriginal, uninspired and are becoming less and less entertaining. I'm dissapointed in you.

on Jan 03, 2007

Nope, nothing ever changes. Some people are incapable of changing. Would someone please ban this sack of crap so we don't have this bi-weekly, tourettes-like moron-a-thon? It's obvious that this has become some sort of pathological thing he does.

on Jan 03, 2007
The best thing we could do, is not reply to his drivel..let his posts just fade away.   
on Jan 03, 2007
No, if they aren't going to ban him, then it is good punishment to let him have this drek in front of people. That's what he's steamed about now, that the admins won't remove OLD posts like this one.
on Jan 03, 2007
It's one lie after another.

Please list the lies. If they can be substantiated, they can be addressed.

It's censorship, based on ideology.

I see you have a JU blog. I see you post (ad nauseum) here. Where is the censorship. In fact, one of your complaints is that you want a post or two removed. Isn't that more censorship?

But, I keep coming back. Why? Because I can be a real dickhead when I want to be.

So now, I have to wait for a rather long time for WC to load.

Servers have issues ::Shrugs::
on Jan 03, 2007
GuyPc...I don't know what your problems or issues really are...but if I felt so strongly about a website as you do I can promise'd never see me post or visit that site ever again. So having said that...what do you hope to accomplish by with these posts? Surely you can find a better use of your time than this. No offense...but this is just pointless and makes you look foolish.   
on Jan 03, 2007
Guypc this is a feeble attempt to get your thread hijacked again!

Do you ever do anything but complain? You must be one of these miserly gits that expects $20's worth for every $1 he spends - well let me tell you it does not work that way! Get real and become real! Stop being such a whinge bag all the time, it really gets old and bloody lame.
on Jan 03, 2007
My ratings have NEVER made a difference

Since this is second time you have ranted about ratings:

Ratings are weighed by Access Class, with my Access Class of 3, it takes a rating of 1-2 stars higher or lower to move a rating (this is on newer releases and the range need to move it depends on who moderated the skin. Mods Access Class range from 6-9) 1/2 a star.
So with your Access Class of 1 unless you are rating 2-3 stars higher or lower you will most likely not see your rating affect the average rating of a skin.
On one of your other rants you where talking about your ratings on skins with 0, 100, 1000 downloads not making any difference, downloads and ratings are 2 different things, higher rated skins generally get more downloads but not always (if a skin that is a 1 star skin is wrongly rated higher by users it may not increase downloads as other will look at it and see it is only worth 1 star not the inflated say 3 stars and not download). Since ratings are anonymous how/why would you or anyone for that matter rating it affect the downloads.? (unless you are rating 1 star skins with 5 stars to wrongly raise the rating so more people may see it/look at it with a higher rating but that can't be as you say none of your ratings every made a difference. That tells me you are rating say a 3 star with 4 stars, which with your Access Class will not move rating).
on Jan 03, 2007

A quick note on ratings:

Like Cavan says, they're weighted based on your access class (not customer level).  As a "citizen", your vote is counted, but not for as much as someone with a higher access class.  With few exceptions, anything that is placed into the gallery, even if there are no downloads, has been given a starting rating by a moderator.  A moderator has an even higher access class than the highest ranked regular users, this means our vote is a lot harder to dislodge.

The ONLY way you'd see your individual rating cause a noticable change is if somehow an entry had no starting rating, and you were truely the first to rate it.  Otherwise, your score is weighted and that weighted score is added into the overall score and an average is taken.

on Jan 04, 2007
How many times should a customer have to ask for an ongoing mockery to be removed?

Ongoing mockery? Are you referring to the JoeUser is JokeUser thread? Well last time I looked, you hadn't been mentioned in any way, shape or form in months and....not unless you returned to put your foot in it with yet another tirade against Stardock, WC and/or JoeUser.

The only ongoing mockery I see is coming from you.....
Do yourselves a favor...fellow surfers. Go clean the toilets at WalMart. It will take far less time than creating ANY skin...and it will be more appreciated.

Not to mention untruthful & dissenting comments such as.......

Don't waste your money here. WinCustomize cares about one thing still. $$$$$$$$$ If you give it to them? You'll get exactly the same thing you're getting now (as a non-subcriber/customer).

Because I can be a real dickhead when I want to be.

And you do it with such regularity and consumate ease....little or no effort. Being a 'self-proclaimed' dickhead is nothing to crow about.

Having said that, I sincerely hope you some find peace and happiness in your life .....perhaps staying away from sites that really get up your nose is a great place to begin.
on Jan 04, 2007
Is customer service a thing of the past?
You want heartache???...go to a auto parts store