The Name says it all
Published on November 16, 2006 By TheGuyPC In Virtual Communities

The customer service here rocks! Seriously!


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on Nov 16, 2006
Just FYI...

No one subscribes to JoeUser, so access and service through that site are not in any way guaranteed.  You can be a WC subscriber, you can buy every product we sell, it does not guarantee anything in terms of JoeUser access or privledge.  It is a free, largely (at this moment) unsupported blog site.  No warranty is offered.  No service guaranteed.

Political Machine is a website for a election simulation game developed by Stardock and published by Ubisoft in advance of the 2004 Presidental Election.  Like all Stardock forums, certain categories are cross-listed between sites.  An example is "Personal Computing" since it appears on both JoeUser and WinCustomize.  Post it into that category, it shows up on both sites.  Any posts on politics on JoeUser get cross-posted to  It is how all of our forums work.
on Nov 16, 2006
I'm guessing you have a mullet.

...and a wedgie?  
on Nov 16, 2006
...and a wedgie?

Heavens to murgatroid!!!!!
on Nov 16, 2006

A simple Google of "TheGuyPc" will give you a little direction as to what is being thought. (Ironic isn't it? I saw the whole "Google it Moron" thing some time back.)

-admin edit: Please, no personal attacts - My apologies. No attack intended just clarification.
on Nov 16, 2006
Problem with edit function..see next post
on Nov 16, 2006
That 'so called' evil lawyer in the what's the deal when he loses the case, does he embarrass you even further by taking the shirt from your back as payment?

C'mon PC, nobody on the Joe User = Joke User thread has made a single reference to you in months....not until you posted this piece of antagonistic drivel. And then it was deserved because you've gotten up peoples noses with wild threats based on unfounded accusations.

At no time has anyone harmed you or your business, but if you're gonna sue over the ridicule you brought upon yourself by unceremoniously dumping on Brad, Stardock, WC and etc (without due cause/incontravertible proof of your claims), then go for it...cos the judge'll see you as a goose and throw it out.[

quote]It has long past turned into a social conversation of absolutely no relevance to you

I told you this weeks ago, and if you'd been humble (man) enough to have accepted the invitation to join our tomfoolery, you could've been having some fun instead of pulling yer hair out over nothing....wondering how you can tell if that really great tasting choc ice cream you consumed the previous night actually translates to your bunghole. Dunno, maybe you can find an evil lawyer someplace to check it out for you.

BTW....Cap'n starkers be tha chief instigator in perpetuatin' tha thread (not Brad or Stardock, WC, etc), so p'raps it be him ye should be lookin' ta sue instead. Best o' luck wiv it tho....given he never defamed you personally....bein' he be a completely fictional character....tha lunatic alter ego of a crippled ol' fart wiv many more troubles than you'd ever want.....and eff all worth takin'
on Nov 16, 2006
i think you may want to take this one to Judge Judy! she's judicious and delicious
Long live GuyPC's company!!!(shhhhh.....everything is being recorded)
on Nov 16, 2006
on Nov 16, 2006
i think you may want to take this one to Judge Judy!

Cos then us can all git on tha telly.....peg legs n' eye patches, Pecky Parrot n' all.
on Nov 17, 2006
I'm posting this...three word answer...cause, i did the same thing.



Just (DON'T) do it.


Not going to get you anywhere positive.

on Nov 17, 2006
sp...i think your answer was 15 words
on Nov 17, 2006
Hmm...a lawsuit? What are the grounds?...I'm guessing slander/libel or something like that...

Probably won't get you anywhere...the internet is rife with crazy things, check out the "Legal Threats" section of to see how they handle such gain will come of this.

on Nov 17, 2006
(intro to 1st rant)
I'm sick of this crap

(intro to new rant)
I'm sick of this B.S.

i'm starting to see a theme here

on Nov 17, 2006
I'm sick of this crap

Yep, that's what a voodoo freak mate of mine said: apparently he's tryin' to resurrect Judge Roy Bean to oversee proceedings. As history would have it Judge Roy Bean lacked a sense of humour regarding nefarious complaints, so hung the plaintiffs then fined 'em fer public littering when they hung about too long...seems he were quite intolerant of loitering.
on Nov 17, 2006
For the record I am not watching nor waiting . .. I just happened to see this again at the top of the recent post links

I'd like to thank theguypc for another post of this nature. May I suggest a sci-fi theme for this thread to go off topic with to distinguish it from the "Joe user/Joke User" thread? If sci-fi is unacceptable, perhaps a western?

"Whacha gonna do with that laser pistol pardner?"

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