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Prince Bushwhacker
The Name says it all
5 Years Have Gone By. We Must Remember.
A final post
Published on September 11, 2006 By
Thank You Devil Dog
and All who defend us
and have defended us.
I pray, that for just one day, we can all put our differences aside and join together as Americans. Americans who all want the same things, but American's who have different ideas of how to achieve them.
Today is the day that patriotism should infect your very soul.
A day..... for the souls of those who have passed because of the works of the true Devil and his evil angels.
I pray that we can *just* look back and remember.
We can be sad, be proud, be angry.....................
But most of all, I pray that we can be one.
Nothing speaks louder than unity mixed with symbolism, mixed with absolute truth.
Remember that today. If only for one day.
The bad guys are watching. Show them that....
Together we stand, they can't make us fall and, if they don't like it, be damned with them all.
God bless America.
With this I will say goodbye. And, I will bite my tounge.
Gloat if you must, but that's not what this post is about.
BTW, Devil Dog is a member of the other blog site I post on.
He is a soldier who is not against the war.
He has recieved a Purple Heart for his efforts in the war in Iraq.
We are friends........from opposite sides of the isle.
You should thank him as well. People like him are what gives us the ability to do this kind of thing.
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