The Name says it all
Get Your Free Blog! Next Year!
Published on June 30, 2006 By TheGuyPC In Virtual Communities
Everyone at Joe User is just so happy and fun! You have to have a sense of humor with a name like Joe User!

I was considering starting a blogsite dedicated to the discussion of marriage. I was going to call it Harry Crabs. My wife balked, so I digress.

There is really no virtual community to compare to the honest, open perspective that Joe User has. There should be more like it. This world would be a much richer, more diverse place.

I, as soooooooo many others are just grateful to be blessed by the absolute intelligence that this community offers.

Thank you so much. And to do it all for free?! Wow!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 30, 2006
" is free. There's no subscription to it. You just go to and create a blog."

As you can see, I've already signed up, but when I try to actually create a blog site, I get the message, " is undergoing some changes to it's database. Please try back again soon."
on Jun 30, 2006

Sure, like most people, I like to eat human flesh and eat babies but that's hardly out of the norm...

I meant to ask you about that....I seem to be missing a few nephews......

on Jun 30, 2006
What a moronic load of crap, lol. I'm sure that Stardock can read your friends' minds to tell whether they are liberal or not. Like Brad, who probably gets four digits worth of emails a day, is going to answer them all. "Sissy boy"? Are you for real?

The fact you aren't exiled for this petty rant destroys your argument, idiot.
on Jun 30, 2006

The fact you aren't exiled for this petty rant destroys your argument, idiot.

Ah, Baker.....such a 'gift of the gab'...

on Jun 30, 2006
I meant to ask you about that....I seem to be missing a few nephews......

Ahahaha! ROTFL! Hehehehe!
on Jun 30, 2006
You might want to try getting a WC personal page. That will automatically make you a JU blog.
on Jun 30, 2006
Pity the site doesn't have (rude word censored by Admin) detector  
on Jun 30, 2006
Funny, according to this blogger, I'm Republican. But my GOP opponent in the upcoming election seems to disagree.

Go figure.
on Jun 30, 2006
Second, from what I know of Brad, he LOVES a good argument. I've never seen him shy away from one, quite the opposite in fact - so, if you disagree with him and want to let him know, just post a comment on the relevant blog entries. I'm also 100% sure there is no conspiracy NOT to let you have a blog where you can voice your own opinions. That would definitely not be Brad's style.

Far from Brad's style. I think Brad would love to have a few more pansy -censored word-'ed liberals and complainers to take on. Giving them their own sites just gives Brad an easy place to look for 'em. A big time saver if you will
on Jul 02, 2006
Well, isn't this just "special". All attacks, no facts. Typical.

First, Baker, kiss my pimple filled fat ass! Idiot!

Second, Little Whip, I'm posting on the "blog" BECAUSE I posted on the WinCustomize forums.

Third, Sir Zubaz...You, of all people disappoint me the most. You said....

"Rants like this lose you more credibility than benefits you may gain.

Fanboys, trolls, and ranters sow what they reap.

Good luck with that"

So, Mr Zubaz...What exactly should I do? I've complained several times via "reply" posts to someone elses answer. I've sent e-mail to answer. I've witnessed several other people getting blogs here when I couldn't. So, Mr. Genius, what would be YOUR course of action?


So, my "rant" as you call it, may just be justified huh? I just gave you my proof. What exactly is your proof to the contrary? There is at least 1 other person stating exactly what I have.

I've taken the issue even further by having a friend from a different part of the country try and start a blog. That didn't work either. So, what is happening here?

Why do THESE people get a blog? It looks to me that there is no problem with any "database" whatever! I know, I'm just a conspiracy kinda TheGuyPc right?

Where exactly is the proof of the response e-mail from Stardock? Why is it, that if Joe User is "free" and a subscription doesn't matter, I was told I should create a "user" page? Someone digging for a little dirt?

My point remains. I CANNOT get a blog on Joe User. I've proven it. I have done all that I could to go up the chain of command. I have sent support requests to Stardock. It's been around a month with NO reply. Frog Boy or, Draginol or, whatever he is today, supposedly controls this "free speech" "free blog" "Average User" system. Yet he has NO explaination for what I have posted. So what exactly would you propose I do? Just go away? I guess that's the kind of chicken shit you have gotten used to....but that ain't me.

You attack me without anything to prove your points. Yet, you let the man in charge just walk on by without any explanation.
You call ME a PANSY? Give me a break! Am I denying Brad anything? No, you just fall in line. Good for you! Thumbs up all around! You stand for absolutely nothing. How special. No proof, just attitude and bullshit catch phrases/attacks.

Frogboy says: is free. There's no subscription to it. You just go to and create a blog.

Secondly, given that I'm not a Republican, I wonder how I managed to get by the "anti-Non-Republican" code and manage to get a blog up.

My articles can be found here:

I am not sure what's so radical about what I write. Sure, like most people, I like to eat human flesh and eat babies but that's hardly out of the norm...

So, explain why I cannot do exactly what you say I can? I don't know that there is some grand conspiracy. I don't know what the reasons are. I just find it highly suspicious that I cannot create a blog when others can. For those of you that have a problem with that...that is YOUR problem. I'm dealing with mine and, I think I've been very civil about this considering that this has been happening for at least 2 months.

Does it not strike you a little odd that the owner of this blog site uses his own acceptance here as evidence that everyone can get a blog? As far a Fuzzy and Zubaz go. Thanks. Your proof stood loud and proud against my accusations. You are definately your masters children. I wish you all that you wish me.


on Jul 02, 2006
I tried to help only because your just going to change your name again and come back as everybody's best buddy...agaaaaaaaaain. Oh and then you'll go postal ...agaaaaaaaaaain. This way if you kept the name I would know to avoid you.   
on Jul 02, 2006
Did you even read my comment?
on Jul 02, 2006

Again, chances are you are just DOING IT WRONG ...or have been cleverly unlucky enough to get the 'under construction' message [whatever] each time you have tried.  Neither means it is a conspiracy.

Get a grip.

One of MY fave sites...on which I am a member now tells me I have an 'invalid IP' [or something] and denies my access.

I don't call it a conspiracy...I call it typical technical cock-up...and speak with the site owner direct....he hotlinks me to the files I'm after anyway.


Probably because I'm not an ass who blames the world [or an individual] for the 'shit' in the phrase 'shit happens'.

Joe User is not into censoring free opinion, nor is any other site hosted/owned/managed by Stardock.

Usually....when I find I can't do things that others can.....I blame my OWN incompetence, not the others their good fortune/opportunity.

Try waiting awhile....and log in again and see if it works.   Perhaps it's a cookie thing.....or a firewall/AV access issue.

I really do not find the inability [temporary or not] to create a Blog on JoeUser to be that much of an earth-shattering issue in which to tangle one's knickers....

on Jul 02, 2006

True, but Jafo is very into editing dirty words out of postings...and I'm shocked as shit to see him use the word shit so many shitting times here!

It's context versus gratuitous usage.

Mine was the former...yours is the latter....

Don't forget....'free opinion' is not quite the same as 'free vocabulary'...

on Jul 02, 2006
So, Mr Zubaz...What exactly should I do? I've complained several times via "reply" posts to someone elses answer. I've sent e-mail to answer. I've witnessed several other people getting blogs here when I couldn't. So, Mr. Genius, what would be YOUR course of action?

Your problem (creating a blog) is real. Your tone was a rant. If I were Stardock, i'd tell you to create a blog somewhere else and stick it where the sun don't shine.

What I would do . . especially if I had issues with the company that hosted the site . . .go to blogger; two minutes and you'd be set.

I've taken the issue even further by having a friend from a different part of the country try and start a blog. That didn't work either. So, what is happening here?

BTW, this line moves you into the world of true craziness in my opinion. Brad and Stardock know your friends and are blocking them too? IT's time to up the meds.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
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