The Name says it all
Just wondering. It looks bad with a lot of skins and doesn't work with at least one.

Any help appreciated.


on May 29, 2006
i assume you are talking about IE just left click view at the top, 1st thing you see is toolbars open the menu and unclick google toolbar
on May 29, 2006
No,I meant is there a way to stop it from being skinned....not how to hide it.

Sorry, I wasn't very clear.

I am talking about IE. I'm just wondering if there is any exclusion within the WB program itself or not. All I can find is a .dll not an .exe for Google toolbar and I don't know of a way to exclude just a .dll.

I have WB 5.01 62 x 86 (Paid)
XP home
IE 6.0.29 w/Google Toolbar 3.0.131
on May 29, 2006
you'd probably have to exclude tool bar skinning in Skin Studio.

Try Clusty. Link
on May 30, 2006
Thanks Sir Bichur.